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- FSVP Lead Instructor Applicants | FSPCA
An FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor may independently offer the current version of the FSPCA core curriculum (FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs Participant Course) directly to participants and issue FSPCA FSVP Certificates of training by following FSPCA policies to register and deliver FSPCA Participant Courses. ⌂ / FSVP / FSVP Lead Instructor Applicants Criteria Application Training Enroll Materials and Resources What can an FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor do? An FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor may independently offer the current version of the FSPCA core curriculum (FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs Participant Course) directly to participants and issue FSPCA FSVP Certificates of training by following FSPCA policies to register and deliver FSPCA Participant Courses. How can I become an FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor? Lead Instructor Applicants must successfully submit an FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor application . See the "Application" tab for complete details. Your application will be reviewed by the FSPCA Review Committee and evaluated against the sele ction criteria. If you are approved, you will be notified via email. The review process usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete. FSVP LEAD INSTRUCTOR SELECTION CRITERIA Ready to apply? Click on the “Application” tab! Are you a current Human Food or Animal Food Lead Instructor or an approved Human Food or Animal Food Lead Instructor Candidate*? You must successfully submit an FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor application. Review How to submit an FSPCA Lead Instructor Application . This document provides IMPORTANT information, step-by-step directions, and helpful hints pertaining to the completion of your Lead Instructor Application. DOWNLOAD NO You already meet the criteria to qualify as a candidate to become an FSVP Lead Instructor. There are two additional steps you must take: Update your FSPCA profile by indicating your interest (directions to update your profile below), and, Successfully complete an FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor course. UPDATE YOUR PROFILE YES FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) Lead Instructor Application *An FSPCA Lead Instructor Candidate is someone who has submitted an FSPCA Lead Instructor application, had their application approved, but has not yet successfully completed FSPCA Lead Instructor training. APPLY Prerequisites Successful completion of the FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs Participant Course Must be an approved FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor applicant to be eligible to enroll Enrollees must attend the entire course Other prerequisites may apply depending on course delivery method (e.g., in-person, virtual) FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) Lead Instructor Course This course provides the participant the knowledge and tools needed to perform the duties of a Lead Instructor for the Foreign Supplier Verification Programs Participant Course. The course content is focused on strategies to aid in the effective instruction of the activities and documentation that support the creation and implementation of Foreign Supplier Verification Programs. Administrative tasks for issuing Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance certificates are also covered as well as a refresher on effective presentation for the adult learner. Successful completion of this training allows you to deliver the FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs Participant Course as a Lead Instructor. Ready to enroll? Click on the “Enroll in a Course” tab! IMPORTANT! Before you enroll, please thoroughly review the course information packet. The packet contains step-by-step directions for the enrollment process. Each step must be completed in the order noted to successfully enroll. FSVP Lead Instructor Course Schedule Only approved FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor Candidates are eligible to enroll. Other prerequisites may apply depending on course type/modality. Download and review the course agenda. It will be important for you to be present at the class for the entire time in order for you to receive your Lead Instructor certificate. Failure to demonstrate understanding of FSPCA training materials through participation in exercises, questions asked, and teach-back observations may result in you not receiving your Lead Instructor certificate. Course may be canceled due to low enrollment . Virtual 2025 DATES TBD FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs Lead Instructor Course All approved applicants will be notified when dates are determined. INFORMATION PACKET $1599.00 USD AGENDA FDA Regulation and Guidance Prior to enrolling in an FSPCA FSVP Combination Course, we strongly recommend that you read FDA’s FSVP regulation and download FDA’s FSV P industry guidance document which typically answers most questions about the FSVP rule. FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor Guide and Exercise Workbook In-Person Delivery: Hard copies of the FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor Guide and Exercise Workbook are provided onsite. Virtual Delivery: After enrollment and completion of prerequisite online modules, electronic course materials are available for download from the course landing page. If a hard copy of the FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor Guide and Exercise Workbook are preferred, an option to purchase will be provided after enrollment.
- Contact Us | FSPCA
For questions related to an FSMA rule, FSMA programs, and implementation strategies, please submit your questions electronically to FDA’s FSMA Technical Assistance Network. For other FSPCA questions, email Contact Us Training, Lead Instructor Application or Scientific/Technical Question? Please submit all training, Lead Instructor application, or scientific/technical questions to FSPCA’s Technical Assistance Network . Your question will be answered by the FSPCA Food Safety Resource Team. FSMA Rule, FSMA Program, or Implementation Strategy Question? For questions related to a FSMA rule, FSMA programs, and implementation strategies, please submit your questions electronically to FDA’s FSMA Technical Assistance Network . For other FSPCA questions, email .
- Job Opportunities | FSPCA
Explore our job opportunities in popular categories such as staff, adjunct, faculty, and student positions. Find your next role and apply today! Your Dream Job is just a search away. SEARCH JOBS Popular Job Categories STAFF ADJUNCT FACULTY STUDENT ALL JOBS
- Events | FSPCA
Stay tuned for upcoming webinars hosted by FSPCA! Explore cutting-edge topics in food safety and gain valuable insights from industry experts. Don't miss out on these informative sessions—register now to secure your spot. SAVE THE DATE! The 9th FSPCA Annual Conference will be held in person on November 18-19, 2025. Past FSPCA Annual Conference Presentations 2024 PRESENTATIONS 2023 PRESENTATIONS 2022 PRESENTATIONS 2021 PRESENTATIONS Past FSPCA Webinars 2023 WEBINARS 22 FEB Updates to FDA’s Draft Guidance for Industry: Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food: Spotlight on Appendix 1 PRESENTATION RECORDING 29 FEB Animal Food Rule Inspectional Findings and Supplemental Resources for FSPCA Animal Food Lead Instructors Available on the FSPCA Animal Food Resource Portal for Animal Food Lead Instructors only PRESENTATION RECORDING 9 APR Food Traceability Rule Awareness for Industry Module Webinar Available on the FSPCA Human Food , FSVP, and IA VA Instructor Resource Portals PRESENTATION RECORDING 11 APR Seminario web gratuito sobre el módulo de conocimiento de las reglas de trazabilidad de alimentos de la FSPCA para la industria (En español) Available on the FSPCA Human Food , FSVP, and IA VA Instructor Resource Portals PRESENTATION RECORDING 12 DEC How to Be Ready for a Recall: Working with FDA and Preparing for the Unexpected Recording will be posted the week of 12/16 PRESENTATION RECORDING Past SSA Webinars 26 JUNE Sprout Safety Alliance (SSA) Webinar: Updates to the FDA Guidance for Sprout Growers PRESENTATION RECORDING
- FSVP Lead Instructors | FSPCA
Once you successfully complete FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor training, you have the option to have your name added to the public list of Lead Instructors for the FSPCA by updating your FSPCA Profile. ⌂ / FSVP / F SVP Lead Instructors Instructor Resource Portal FSVP Materials Register, Edit, or Cancel a Course Network FSVP Instructor Resource Portal All electronic course materials and templates needed to deliver your FSPCA FSVP Participant Course can be found on the FSVP Instructor Resource Portal (log in required). Download step-by-step instructions for accessing the FSVP Instructor Resource Portal or watch the video tutorial. Your log in information for the FSVP Instructor Resource Portal (where you access Lead Instructor Resources) and the FSPCA (where you register your courses) may be different. The Instructor Resource Portal is updated frequently. We recommend you check the Portal for updates before each course. Helpful Hints Register an FSVP Participant Course Review FSPCA Policy 0017 (Participant Course Registration and Delivery Policy), found on the FSVP Instructor Resource Portal . This policy outlines the requirements FSPC A Lead Instructors must follow to register and deliver the FSPCA FSVP participant courses. FSPCA has requirements regarding advertising an FSPCA FSVP participant course. For details, review FSPCA Requirements for Successfully Advertising Your FSVP Course . You must log into the FSPCA to register a course. Be sure to have course details on hand. LOG IN Course registration must be submitted at least two weeks before the course start date FSVP Participant Course: 12 contact hours* required FSVP Blended Part 2 Course: 8 contact hours* required *Contact hours do not include breaks or lunch Reminders Course Edits and Cancellations After a course is registered, very few edits will be allowed. In most instances, you will be required to cancel the course in question and resubmit a new course registration form. You MAY NOT: Change the planned modification to the course Change the total hours Change the Lead Instructor's name Change the start and end dates In extenuating circumstances, please contact . We will assess the situation and determine if edits can be accommodated. Course edits and cancellations must be submitted via the FSPCA Technical Assistance Network (TAN) and the course registration number (REG-000000) must be referenced. Add Your Name to the FSPCA Lead Instructor List Once you successfully complete FSPCA FSVP Lead Instructor training, you have the option to have your name added to the public list of Lead Instructors for the FSPCA by updating your FSPCA Profile. Your name will NOT be added unless you opt in and update your profile. DIRECTIONS UPDATE PROFILE Join the FSVP Lead Instructor Private Chatter Group The FSVP Lead Instructor Private Chatter Group is a forum for FSVP Lead Instructors to interact, get updates, and exchange information. It is NOT a forum to ask rule interpretation questions. Questions regarding the rule should be directed to the FDA FSMA Technical Assistance Network (TAN) . DIRECTIONS JOIN Lead Instructor Guide: F or Lead Instructors Only! DO NOT share with your course participants. You can download an electronic version from the FSVP Instructor Resource Portal (log in required) or you may purchase a hard copy by contacting . Participant Manual and Exercise Workbook You can download electronic versions from the FSVP Instructor Resource Portal (log in required) or you many purchase hard copies from either the FSPCA Lead Instructor Bookstore (link located in the FSVP Instructor Resource Portal - log in required) or the FSPCA Amazon Bookstore . A watermarked, public version of the Participant Manual is available as well.
- U.S.-Based FSVP Importer | FSPCA
This course will provide participants with the knowledge to implement the requirements of the “Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals” regulation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This regulation is one of a number of regulations and guidance that implement the provisions of the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which focuses on safe food practices. ⌂ / FSVP / U.S.-Based FSVP Importer Training Enroll in a Course Materials and Resources Who s hould t ake the c ourse? U.S.‐based importers who meet the definition of “importer” in the FSVP rule, which includes those who own or are the consignee of food at the time of entry, or, if no owner or consignee exists, the U.S. agent or representative of the foreign owner. Others who have an interest in ensuring that the requirements of the FSVP rule are met, including brokers, exporters, foreign suppliers of food that will be exported to the U.S., persons/business owners who currently buy food from foreign sources, and representatives of foreign governments. Delivery Methods All deliveries cover the same exact curriculum in a minimum of 12 contact hours. Instructor-Led: Deliver ed live, in-person, and/or vi rtually by Lead Instructors trained by FSPCA. Asynchronous Learning: 100% self-paced online delivery, with no Lead Instructors present physically or virtually. Asynchronous courses are reviewed by FSPCA to ensure curriculum learning objectives and learner engagement requirements are met. Blended: Delivered in two parts. PART 1 is asynchronous learning and PART 2 is Instructor-Led. Both PART 1 and PART 2 must be completed to receive an FSPCA certificate of successful completion. FSPCA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) Participant Course This course will provide participants with the knowledge to implement the requirements of the “Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals” regulation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This regulation is one of a number of regulations and guidance that implement the provisions of the 2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which focuses on safe food practices. T he FSVP curriculum was designed by regulatory, academia, and industry professionals and developed with funding from FDA as part of the FSPCA. In contrast to the Preventive Controls (PC) rules, the FSVP rule does not require you to attend a training program following a “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA. Attending this course, however, will help you understand the FSVP requirements and how those requirements can be met in your particular circumstance. Ready to enroll? Click on the “Enroll in a Course” tab! ENROLL FSVP Participant Course Instructor-Led or Asynchronous Learning FEES VARY* Instructor-led courses are delivered by Lead Instructors trained by FSPCA. Asynchronous learning courses are 100% self-paced online, with no Lead Instructors physically or virtually present. Asynchronous courses are reviewed by FSPCA to ensure curriculum learning objectives and learner engagement requirements are met. Blended Course Both Part 1 and Part 2 must be completed to receive an FSPCA certificate of successful completion. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND DETAILS Not sure if asynchronous learning is right for you? A free trial of PART 1 of the Blended Course is available. This will give you an idea of how the course is put together. ENROLL FSVP Participant Course Part 1 Asynchronous Learning $208.00 USD ENROLL FSVP Participant Course Part 2 Instructor-Led FEES VARY* *Course fees are set by the individual provider. FSPCA FSVP Course Participant Manual_V1.1 (Click on the image to download a PDF) English Prefer a hardcopy? FSPCA BOOKSTORE FSPCA AMAZON BOOKSTORE Participant Manual (English) Exercise Workbook (English) FSVP Workaids: Forms and worksheets that help an FSVP Importer develop a Foreign Supplier Verification Program Workaid A: Determining the FSVP Importer (PDF ) (Word ) Workaid D: FSVP Hazard Analysis Form Example (PDF ) (Word ) Workaid E: FSVP Foreign Supplier Evaluation Form Example (PDF ) (Word ) Workaid F: FSVP Foreign Supplier Performance/Food Product Approval Worksheet Example (PDF ) (Word ) Workaid G: FSVP Foreign Supplier Reevaluation Form Example (PDF ) (Word ) Additional Resources Helpful website links
- Executive Advisory Board | FSPCA
The FSPCA Executive Advisory Board (EAB) comprises members representing the food industry, academia, and state regulatory. Governance, policy and strategic direction are determined by the EAB in support of the FSPCA’s mission. Executive Advisory Board (EAB) The FSPCA Executive Advisory Board (EAB) comprises members representing the food industry, academia and state regulatory. Governance, policy and strategic direction are determined by the EAB in support of the FSPCA’s mission. MARTIN BUCKNAVAGE Penn State Department of Food Science CLAUDIA COLES Seafood Products Association (SPA) KATHY GOMBAS FSMA Soluctions CHRIS LINCECUM Cooperative Farmers Elevator MODESTAR LIYOKHO Irca Group Americas TANIA MARTINEZ Demos Global Group, Inc. JUAN L. SILVA Mississippi State University KATHERINE SIMON Minnesota Department of Agriculture: Food & Feed Safety Division JENNIFER THOMAS Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA MARTIN BUCKNAVAGE Penn State Department of Food Science CLAUDIA COLES Seafood Products Association (SPA) KATHY GOMBAS FSMA Soluctions CHRIS LINCECUM Cooperative Farmers Elevator MODESTAR LIYOKHO Irca Group Americas TANIA MARTINEZ Demos Global Group, Inc. JUAN L. SILVA Mississippi State University KATHERINE SIMON Minnesota Department of Agriculture: Food & Feed Safety Division JENNIFER THOMAS Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA MARTIN BUCKNAVAGE Penn State Department of Food Science CLAUDIA COLES Seafood Products Association (SPA) KATHY GOMBAS FSMA Soluctions CHRIS LINCECUM Cooperative Farmers Elevator MODESTAR LIYOKHO Irca Group Americas TANIA MARTINEZ Demos Global Group, Inc. JUAN L. SILVA Mississippi State University KATHERINE SIMON Minnesota Department of Agriculture: Food & Feed Safety Division JENNIFER THOMAS Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA MARTIN BUCKNAVAGE Penn State Department of Food Science CLAUDIA COLES Seafood Products Association (SPA) KATHY GOMBAS FSMA Soluctions CHRIS LINCECUM Cooperative Farmers Elevator MODESTAR LIYOKHO Irca Group Americas TANIA MARTINEZ Demos Global Group, Inc. JUAN L. SILVA Mississippi State University KATHERINE SIMON Minnesota Department of Agriculture: Food & Feed Safety Division JENNIFER THOMAS Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA
The Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) is a collaborative effort comprising industry, academia, and government stakeholders. Established in late 2011 with a grant from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Illinois Tech’s Institute for Food Safety and Health (IIT IFSH), FSPCA aims to enhance food safety through preventive controls. FSPCA Welcomes You The Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) is a broad-based public-private alliance of industry, academia, and government stakeholders. It was established in late 2011 by a grant from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to Illinois Tech’s Institute for Food Safety and Health (IIT IFSH). Vision Be an internationally recognized trusted source for training programs and outreach for the prevention-oriented standards of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Mission Assist the human and animal food industry and related entities in building food safety capacity through education, training and outreach with an emphasis on small-, and medium-sized businesses. FSPCA Strategic Framework
- Management | FSPCA
A highly-skilled and dedicated management team oversees the daily FSPCA activities and administrative duties. The FSPCA Management team works closely with volunteer leaders to implement the organization’s mission. FSPCA Management A highly-skilled and dedicated management team oversees the daily FSPCA activities and administrative duties. The FSPCA Management team works closely with volunteer leaders to implement the organization’s mission. BRIAN SCHANEBERG Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) JASON WAN Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) GERALD WOJTALA International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) STEVEN MANDERNACH Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) BRIAN SCHANEBERG Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) JASON WAN Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) GERALD WOJTALA International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) STEVEN MANDERNACH Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) BRIAN SCHANEBERG Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) JASON WAN Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) GERALD WOJTALA International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) STEVEN MANDERNACH Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) BRIAN SCHANEBERG Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) JASON WAN Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) GERALD WOJTALA International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) STEVEN MANDERNACH Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) BRIAN SCHANEBERG Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) JASON WAN Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) GERALD WOJTALA International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) STEVEN MANDERNACH Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) BRIAN SCHANEBERG Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) JASON WAN Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) GERALD WOJTALA International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) STEVEN MANDERNACH Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) BRIAN SCHANEBERG Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) JASON WAN Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) GERALD WOJTALA International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) STEVEN MANDERNACH Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) BRIAN SCHANEBERG Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) JASON WAN Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) GERALD WOJTALA International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI) STEVEN MANDERNACH Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO)
- PC Human Food | PCHF PCQI V2.0 | Fspca
This course developed by the FSPCA is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA; successfully completing this course is one way to meet the requirements for a “preventive controls qualified individual. ⌂ / PC Human Food / Preventive Controls Qualified Individual V2.0 Training Enroll in a Course Materials and Resources Who should take the course? Those resp onsible for performing or overseeing the preparation of the food saf e ty plan Version 2.0 Delivery Methods All v2.0 deliveries cover the same exact curriculum in a minimum of 22 contact hours. In stru ctor-Led: Delivered live, in-person, and/or v irtually by Lead Instructors trained by FSPCA. Version 2.0 Updates Version 2.0 of the PCHF curriculum integrates information from the FDA's recently issued Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food draft guidance including updates to the hazard analysis course chapter which now includes use of the FDA’s Appendix 1 – Known or Reasonably Foreseeable Hazards and updates to the allergen chapter which now includes sesame. This updated version of the course helps those who operate primarily under HACCP by improving the linkage between Preventive Controls and HACCP. PCHF V2.0 FAQs FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCHF) Version 2.0 Participant Course The Current Good Manufacturing Practices, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-based Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation (referred to as the Preventive Controls for Human Food regulation) are intended to ensure safe manufacturing, processing, packing, and holding of food products for human consumption in the United States. The regulation requires that certain activities must be completed by a “Preventive Controls Qualified Individual” who has “successfully completed training in the development and application of risk-based preventive controls” at least equivalent to that received under a standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by FDA or be otherwise qualified through job experience to develop and apply a food safety system”. This course developed by the FSPCA is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA; successfully completing this course is one way to meet the requirements for a “preventive controls qualified individual.” Ready to enroll? Click on the “Enroll in a Course” tab! ENROLL PCHF v2.0 Participant Course Instructor-Led FEES VARY* Instructor-led courses are delivered by Lead Instructors trained by FSPCA. Asynchronous learning courses are 100% self-paced online, with no Lead Instructors physically or virtually present. Asynchronous courses are reviewed by FSPCA to ensure curriculum learning objectives and learner engagement requirements are met. Blended Course Both Part 1 and Part 2 must be completed to receive an FSPCA certificate of successful completion. DETAILS COMING SOON Not sure if asynchronous learning is right for you? A free trial of PART 1 of the Blended Course is available. This will give you an idea of how the course is put together. COMING SOON PC HF v2.0 Participant Course Part 1 Asynchronous Learning COMING SOON COMING SOON PCHF v2.0 Participant Course Part 2 Instructor-Led COMING SOON *Course fees are set by the individual provider. FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Participant Manual v2.0 (Click on the image to download a PDF) English Prefer a hardcopy? FSPCA BOOKSTORE Participant Manual (English) Exercise Workbook (English) AMAZON Participant Manual (English) Exercise Workbook (English) PCHF Workaids: Forms and worksheets that help a PCQI develop a food safety plan and recall plan. • Recall Plan Template • Food Safety Plan Worksheets Additional Resources PCHF Food Facility Type and Applicable Regulations Table Common Process and Facility Related Hazards
- Find an FSPCA Lead Instructor | FSPCA
An FSPCA Lead Instructor is a person who has successfully completed FSPCA Lead Instructor training. The Lead Instructors listed are eligible to offer FSPCA Participant Courses independently to their course participants. FSPCA Lead Instructor List An FSPCA Lead Instructor is a person who has successfully completed FSPCA Lead Instructor training. The Lead Instructors listed are eligible to offer FSPCA Participant Courses independently to their course participants. SEARCH FOR AN INSTRUCTOR
- PC Animal Food | PCAF Lead Instructors | Fspca
FSPACA's PCAF Lead Instructors are experts in PC Animal Food safety, offering top-tier training and guidance. Learn from the best to ensure your products meet the highest standards. ⌂ / PC Animal Food / PCAF Lead Instructor s Instructor Resource Portal PCAF Materials Register, Edit, or Cancel a Course Network PCAF Instructor Resource Portal All electronic course materials and templates needed to deliver your FSPCA PCAF Participant Course can be found on the PCAF Instructor Resource Portal (log in required). Download step-by-step instructions for accessing the PCAF Instructor Resource Portal or watch the video tutorial. Your log in information for the PCAF Instructor Resource Portal (where you access Lead Instructor Resources) and the FSPCA (where you register your courses) may be different. The Instructor Resource Portal is updated frequently. We recommend you check the Portal for updates before each course. Helpful Hints Register a PCAF Partipant Course Review FSPCA Policy 0017 (Participant Course Registration and Delivery Policy), found on the PCAF Instructor Resource Portal . This policy outlines the requirements FSPC A Lead Instructors must follow to register and deliver the FSPCA PCAF participant courses. FSPCA has requirements regarding advertising an FSPCA PCAF participant course. For details, review FSPCA Requirements for Successfully Advertising Your PCAF Course. You must log into the FSPCA to register a course. Be sure to have course details on hand. LOG IN Course registration must be submitted at least two weeks before the course start date PCA F Participant Course: 20 contact hours* required PCAF Blended Part 2 Course: 8 contact hours* required *Contact hours do not include breaks or lunch Reminders Course Edits and Cancellations After a course is registered, very few edits will be allowed. In most instances, you will be required to cancel the course in question and resubmit a new course registration form. You MAY NOT: Change the planned modification to the course Change the total hours Change the Lead Instructor's name Change the start and end dates In extenuating circumstances, please contact . We will assess the situation and determine if edits can be accommodated. Course edits and cancellations must be submitted via the FSPCA Technical Assistance Network (TAN) and the course registration number (REG-000000) must be referenced. Add Your Name to the FSPCA Lead Instructor List Once you successfully complete FSPCA PCAF Lead Instructor training, you have the option to have your name added to the public list of Lead Instructors for the FSPCA by updating your FSPCA Profile. Your name will NOT be added unless you opt in and update your profile. DIRECTIONS UPDATE PROFILE Join the PCAF Lead Instructor Private Chatter Group The PCAF Lead Instructor Private Chatter Group is a forum for PCAF Lead Instructors to interact, get updates, and exchange information. It is NOT a forum to ask rule interpretation questions. Questions regarding the rule should be directed to the FDA FSMA Technical Assistance Network (TAN) . DIRECTIONS JOIN Lead Instructor Guide: F or Lead Instructors Only! DO NOT share with your course participants. You can download an electronic version from the PCAF Instructor Resource Portal (log in required) or you may purchase a hard copy by contacting . Participant Manual and Exercise Workbook You can download electronic versions from the PCAF Instructor Resource Portal (log in required) or you many purchase hard copies from either the FSPCA Lead Instructor Bookstore (link located in the PCAF Instructor Resource Portal - log in required) or the FSPCA Amazon Bookstore . A watermarked, public version of the Participant Manual is available as well.